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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make wine that is as good as store bought brands?
Yes. It may help to allow the wine to age after taking it home.

Is it expensive?
Not at all. The prices for our most popular wine kits range from $131.24 to $237.24 for 30 bottles. This means you can have a bottle of quality wine for approximately $4.35.

I’ve never done any winemaking on premise, what do I need to know and how much work is required of me.
The process of making wine on premise starts with choosing the type of wine you want to make and what quality of wine kit you want to use. The AGCO (Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario) requires that the customer own the ingredients and begin by sprinkling the yeast on the juice to begin fermentation. We assist you at all times to whatever extent required. After the batch is started the customer has no further obligations until the wine is ready to be bottled. When you arrive for your bottling appointment you need to sanitize your bottles, fill & cork them and finish by applying labels and shrink caps. We provide all the necessary equipment and assistance for you to accomplish this with ease.

How long will it take?
Wine kits are ready to bottle in 4 to 8 weeks, depending on which product you choose. Winexpert Island Mist and Winexpert Classic are ready to bottle in just 4 weeks, while our premium Winexpert Reserve kits are ready to bottle in 6 weeks, and the ultra premium Winexpert Private Reserve wines will take 6 to 8 weeks. They are usually ready to drink in a few weeks after bottling though our premium and ultra premium kits may benefit from 2-3 months in the bottle before drinking

What kinds of wines are available?
Please see our Products page.

What is the alcohol content?
The alcohol level can vary from 6% to 14.5%, depending on the wine style you choose. Please refer to the wine descriptions for individual alcohol levels.

Is Winexpert wine kits dry or sweet?
Our wine menu has sweetness indicators next to the wine names. Most of our wines have a dry finish, but we can adjust the levels to your taste. Just ask.

Can I clean my bottles when I come in to bottle?
No, your bottles should already be clean as we provide time and equipment for sanitizing already clean bottles. Thoroughly rinsing a wine bottle very soon after it is empty, soaking it for a few minutes to remove the label and draining it completely eliminates the need to spend much more time cleaning bottles that are left to the last minute. HINT! Store the clean bottles upside down to avoid contamination by foreign objects, dust, insects etc.

Can I store my wine in the Wine-On-Premise where I made it?
Sorry, once your wine is ready to be bottled you need to bottle and remove it to your home within a reasonable length of time (30 days). This is required by law as well as by the availability of containers and space to put them in.

What are Tannins?
Tannin comes from the skins, seeds, and stems of the grapes, and also from wood. It gives wine its longevity and character. Tannin is also found in strong tea.

What about wine with food?
The fuller flavoured the food, the more full-bodied the wine should be. A simply prepared chicken can match well with a light bodied white wine. If you add a rich cream sauce, then a medium to full-bodied white may be preferred.

What about wine with cheese?
Similar to how milk softens tea, cheese serves to round the tannic tastes of wine. Brie with sparkling wine is a good combination. Blue cheese overpowers most wines except dessert wines.